'불량주화....'에 해당되는 글 38건
- 2009.06.15 안될거야 아마 (ver.모모) 6
- 2009.06.03 귀염둥이 유희열..... 3
- 2009.05.11 세계테마기행 일본 4현4색 와캬야마현편... 中에서....
- 2009.04.07 초가이버??
- 2009.03.10 고양이 집회 - 신카이 마코토 作 2
- 2008.12.23 올해 크리스마스엔 이거닷!!!!! (테트리스) 6
- 2008.11.05 Papercut
- 2008.09.15 월미도 디스코 - 겁내웃김!! 5
- 2008.09.09 재미있는 복화술..... 4
- 2008.09.04 주류전... 그후..... 6
일본의 와카야마현......
그리고 그곳에는....
세갈래의 순례길이 만다는 혼구라는 곳이있는데...
다시 그곳에서 북쪽으로 가면..... 고야산이 나온다고 한다...
오쿠노인 참배길이라 불리는 곳이 있는데...
그 길목에는 거대한 공동묘지가 있다고 한다....
근데 이건 무슨 묘지????
바로 결혼 못하고 죽은 사람들의 비 라고 한다....ㅡ_ㅡ;;
흐르는 물처럼 내세에는 흘러 흘러... 연을 만나라는 의미로 물속에 세워두었다고 한다....
음...... 솔로는 살아서나 죽어서나...... 차별을 받는구나.....ㅠ_ㅠ
왠지 일본에 살았다면.... 저곳에 내 비석이 세워질꺼 같은.... 생각이 든다..... ( -_);;;
크하하하하하............. 싱크로율 100%
멋지군요..... 아벨과 카인인가요?? 드라마는 보지 않아서 모르지만....
맥가이버랑 음악 싱크로율이 죽음입니다.
의외인 곳에서 절 즐겁게 해주는군요.....^^;;
ps.출처는 잘 모르겠습니다. 그냥 동호회에서 퍼왔습니다..
또 밟히고......
결의에 찬.... 그 녀석의 표정..... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그다지...... 신카이 마코도 스럽지 않은 단편 애니지만........ 1분의 유쾌함이 있는 애니....
이거면 크리스마스를 날수 있다~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
밤새도록 즐겨줄테다......-ㅅ-)/
빨리내리기 : 스페이스바
ps.가로픽셀이 작아서 부득이하게 네이버블로그로 링크시켰음..
Large Scale Papercut Installations
White Diary, 2008 240 x 212 x 18 cm A5 Notebook (120 gsm acid free paper), pencil, and glue. Mounted on mdf. |
White Diary (detail), 2008 |
White Diary (detail), 2008 |
White Diary (detail), 2008 |
White Diary (detail), 2008 |
White Diary (detail), 2008 |
White Diary (detail), 2008 |
White Diary (detail), 2008 |
White Diary (installation view from the solo show Paperman at Helene Nyborg Contemporary), 2008 |
Erected Ruin, 2007 100 x 134 x 37 cm 120 gsm acid free paper, and glue |
Erected Ruin, 2007 |
Erected Ruin (detail), 2007 |
Erected Ruin (detail), 2007 |
Cut To The Bone, 2007 148 x 250 x 80 cm 150 gsm acid free paper, acrylic paint, and glue |
Cut To The Bone (detail), 2007 |
Castle, 2007 6 x 6 x 3 m Cut and folded from one piece of 350 gsm paper Fairy Tale, The New Art Gallery, Walsall, Uk Photo: Jonathan Shaw |
Castle (detail), 2007 6 x 6 x 3 m Cut and folded from one piece of 300 gsm paper Fairy Tale, The New Art Gallery, Walsall, Uk Photo: Jonathan Shaw |
On The Other Side, 2006 Cut and folded from one piece of 350 gsm paper Wedgewood Commission, Nottingham Castle, Uk |
On The Other Side (detail), 2006 Cut and folded from one piece of 350 gsm paper Wedgewood Commission, Nottingham Castle, Uk |
Når alt kommer til alt, 2006 7 m x 4,60 m x 0,9 m Cut and folded from one piece orf 350 gsm pape Transit 06, Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen |
Når alt kommer til alt, 2006 7 m x 4,60 m x 0,9 m Cut and folded from one piece of 350 gsm paper Transit 06, Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen |
Når alt kommer til alt (detail), 2006 7 m x 4,60 m x 0,9 m Cut and folded from one piece of 350 gsm. paper Transit 06, Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen |
Når alt kommer til alt, (detail) 2006 7 m x 4,60 m x 0,9 m Cut and folded from one piece of 350 gsm paper Transit 06, Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen |
Image of Reality, 2005 152 x 208 x 5 cm, paper flowers 40 cm below 120 gsm thick acid-free paper, glue and pink wall paint. Paper installation at Gallery HYUNDAI’s WINDOW GALLERY. A “papercut painting” with cherry blossom flowers lying underneath, cut and fallen from the canvas of paper |
Image of Reality, 2005 152 x 208 x 5 cm, paper flowers 40 cm below 120 gsm thick acid-free paper, glue and pink wall paint. Paper installation at Gallery HYUNDAI’s WINDOW GALLERY. A “papercut painting” with cherry blossom flowers lying underneath, cut and fallen from the canvas of paper |
Image of Reality (detail), 2005 152 x 208 x 5 cm, paper flowers 40 cm below 120 gsm thick acid-free paper, glue and pink wall paint. Paper installation at Gallery HYUNDAI’s WINDOW GALLERY. A “papercut painting” with cherry blossom flowers lying underneath, cut and fallen from the canvas of paper |
Image of Reality, (detail) 2005 152 x 208 x 5 cm, paper flowers 40 cm below 120 gsm thick acid-free paper, glue and pink wall paint. Paper installation at Gallery HYUNDAI’s WINDOW GALLERY. A “papercut painting” with cherry blossom flowers lying underneath, cut and fallen from the canvas of paper |
Big Paper Castle, 2004 7,20 x 7,15 x 3,75 m Cut and folded from one sheet of 350 gsm paper Charlottenborg Udstillingsbygning’s Autumn exhibition, Copenhagen |
Birds trying to escape their drawing, 2005 90 x 128 x 6 cm Acid-free 115 gsm paper and glue |
Birds trying to escape their drawing, 2005 90 x 128 x 6 cm Acid-free 115 gsm paper and glue |
Birds trying to escape their drawing (detail), 2005 90 x 128 x 6 cm Acid-free 115 gsm paper and glue |
Mirage, 2004 2,8 x 2,3 x 2,7 m 120 gsm and 160 gsm thick acid-free paper and glue Paper installation (mirrored staircase constructed of paper) at Gallery Koch und Kesslau, Berlin |
Mirage (detail), 2004 2,8 x 2,3 x 2,7 m 120 gsm and 160 gsm thick acid-free paper and glue Paper installation (mirrored staircase constructed of paper) at Gallery Koch und Kesslau, Berlin |
Mirage (details), 2004 2,8 x 2,3 x 2,7 m 120 gsm and 160 gsm thick acid-free paper and glue Paper installation (mirrored staircase constructed of paper) at Gallery Koch und Kesslau, Berlin |
The weight of feathers, 2005 12 x 55 x 34 cm Acid-free 115 gsm paper and glue |
Walking on snow, 2003 400 unique hand-cut snowflakes, variable sizes 80 gsm acid-free copy paper Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen Group exhibition From dust to dusk. |
Walking on snow (detail), 2003 400 unique hand-cut snowflakes, variable sizes 80 gsm acid-free copy paper Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen Group exhibition From dust to dusk. |
Paper ladders, 2003 120 x 100 cm & 310 x 39 cm 80 gsm acid-free copy paper & glue Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen group show From dust to dusk. |
Paper ladders, 2003 120 x 100 cm & 310 x 39 cm 80 gsm acid-free copy paper & glue Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen group show From dust to dusk. |
Paper ladders (detail), 2003 120 x 100 cm & 310 x 39 cm 80 gsm acid-free copy paper & glue Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen group show From dust to dusk. |
Paper ladders (detail), 2003 120 x 100 cm & 310 x 39 cm 80 gsm acid-free copy paper & glue Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen group show From dust to dusk.
Paper ladders (detail), 2003 120 x 100 cm & 310 x 39 cm 80 gsm acid-free copy paper & glue Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall, Copenhagen group show From dust to dusk. |
Parallel Stairs, 2003 120 gms and 160 gsm acid free paper and glue Paper installation on 2nd and 3rd floor in the tower of Kunsthallen Nikolaj - Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center (former Nikolaj Church). The group exhibition Turmsturm. |
Parallel Stairs (detail), 2003 120 gms and 160 gsm acid free paper and glue Paper installation on 2nd and 3rd floor in the tower of Kunsthallen Nikolaj - Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center (former Nikolaj Church). The group exhibition Turmsturm. |
Parallel Stairs (detail), 2003 120 gms and 160 gsm acid free paper and glue Paper installation on 2nd and 3rd floor in the tower of Kunsthallen Nikolaj - Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center (former Nikolaj Church). The group exhibition Turmsturm. |
Nature's Maze, 2005 90 x 55 x 3 cm Acid free 115 gsm paper |
Nature's Maze (detail), 2005 90 x 55 x 3 cm Acid free 115 gsm paper |
출처: http://www.petercallesen.com/index/index2.html
세상엔... 정말........ 대단한 괴물들이 많다.........ㅡ_ㅡ;;
스피커 켜고 보세요.......... 전 보다가 웃겨서 쓰러졌습니다.
저걸..... 저런재미에 타는군요....
언제 삼촌들이랑 한번 타러가야할듯...... 3500원에 부킹까지...ㅡ_ㅡ;;
그리고..... 숲속이라뇨.... 이분이야 말고... 진정한 늪이시죠....( -_);;;
그 옛날... 나폴레옹과 쌍벽을 이루던......( -_);;